Franklin Graham cautioned that the United States is currently under threat from Communists operating within the federal government.

“They’re pushing a Communist agenda,” Graham said during an interview with Todd Starnes. “It’s not liberals anymore. And it’s not liberals versus conservatives. You have, a socialist, and one in our government, and many of them want to see us turn into a Communist state, very much like the Chinese Communist Party, where you have a dictator making all the decisions. And I think that’s what they would like to have.”


TODD: You did weigh in on these comments from Katie Couric, and she’s attacking, MAGA people who want to make America Great again. And we’ve all heard the we’ve heard the attacks before, but she’s basically saying, we’re all just a bunch of dumb country bumpkins.

FRANKLIN GRAHAM: Well, that’s unfortunate because she, she’s she’s no question she’s a very wealthy lady. And, she, she looks down on people who, certainly have less than her. And, you know, the people that that want to make America great again. It’s it’s not so much Donald Trump that they they just want to see a strong economy. They want a president who’s going to lower taxes. They want a presence that’s going to get the government out of their pocketbook, get the government regulations rollback so that people can be productive and have a chance at life. And, you know, the big problem that we’re facing in this country is no question is gas. And you see the government pushing electric cars and I’m not against electric cars. That’s that’s going to come and down the road eventually. But the government doesn’t have to force it will take place in the marketplace by itself as people look for alternatives. But to to stop using fossil fuels or try to prevent people from using fossil fuels while raising the tax so high that people who make, you know, a fixed wage, like she was talking about, they have to pay a third more for fuel than they did just under, President Trump. And so that that hurts their pocketbook. So, yes, the what she said the gap is getting wider, but it’s because of the Democrats, and it’s because of Joe Biden and their socialistic economy that they want to focus on all of us.

TODD: And not only that of Franklin, but when you look at the attacks on people of faith, the idea that we are literally jailing people for praying outside abortion clinics, it’s just really unacceptable that this is happening in America.

FRANKLIN GRAHAM: Well, it’s because of it’s, they’re they’re pushing a communist agenda, and that’s what it is. It’s not it’s not liberals anymore. And it’s not liberals versus conservatives. You have, a socialist, and one in our government, and many of them want to really I think there’s, they would like to see us turn into a communist state, very much like the Chinese Communist Party, where you have a dictator making all the decisions. And I think that’s what they would like to have.

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