President Joe Biden reportedly utilized his 418th vacation day on Wednesday to journey to the U.S. Virgin Islands in celebration of the New Year. As per the Vacation Tracker maintained by the Republican National Committee, Biden had already dedicated 417 days (equivalent to 39 percent of his presidency) to vacationing.

These “vacation” days encompassed 100 out of the 135 weekends spent at one of his two residences in Delaware, Camp David, or the opulent mansions of Democratic billionaires. Accompanied by undisclosed family members, President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden embarked on a trip to St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Their tropical getaway is set to last for a week, with their return scheduled for January 2.

The first family is currently residing in the lavish Two Palms Villa, a beachfront property owned by Democratic donors, which comes with a hefty price tag of $700 per night, as reported by the New York Times.

“The Bidens have stayed there in the past as guests, but the White House declined to say whether they will pay their own way this time,” the Times reported.

Biden’s vacation days seem to surpass those of previous presidents by a significant margin. During his eight-year tenure, former President Barack Obama spent only 11 percent of his time on vacation, which was the same as Ronald Reagan. In contrast, Jimmy Carter spent a mere five percent of his days on vacation.