The U.S. House of Representatives conducted a vote on Wednesday to officially authorize an inquiry into the potential impeachment of President Joe Biden. In a 221-212 vote along party lines, the Republican-led chamber endorsed the investigation, focusing on whether Biden received undue benefits from his 53-year-old son Hunter Biden’s global business ventures. Hunter Biden had previously declined an invitation to testify in closed-door sessions.

The White House has rejected the investigation, labeling it as politically motivated and lacking substantial evidence. Anticipating a potential 2024 election rematch against Trump, Biden is preparing for the political battle. Trump, with two impeachments and facing four imminent criminal trials, has achieved the distinction of being the first U.S. president to undergo impeachment proceedings twice.

Earlier in the week, House Speaker Mike Johnson expressed confidence in the availability of votes to initiate the impeachment inquiry.

“He just told us that … Thursday,” Rep. Lisa McClain (R-Mich.) said of Johnson in comments to Reuters after leaving a closed-door meeting with the Republican conference on Monday.

Reuters went on to claim that “House Republicans have so far failed to produce evidence tying Biden’s actions as vice president to his son’s businesses,” which is blatantly false.