The chiefs of Border Patrol in three sectors along the southwest border with Mexico have reported a daily apprehension rate of over 2,600 individuals during their most recent weekly summaries. These reports from the three sectors surpass the new executive order issued by President Joe Biden, which sets a limit of 2,500 migrants per day on a seven-day average. According to Breitbart News, President Biden issued this executive order on Tuesday to restrict migrant encounters along the southwest border. The weekly summaries provided by the chief patrol agents in the San Diego, Tucson, and Del Rio Sectors reveal that there are more than 2,600 migrant apprehensions occurring on a daily basis. It’s important to note that this average does not include the Rio Grande Valley, Laredo, Big Bend, El Paso, Yuma, and El Centro Sectors.

The apprehension of migrants in the San Diego, Tucson, and Del Rio Sectors has been highlighted in their latest weekly recap posts on social media. The sector chiefs reported the apprehension of 8,488, 7,500, and 2,389 migrants in these respective sectors. Altogether, these three sectors accounted for a total of 18,377 migrants, averaging at 2,625 per day.