House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who has been chosen as the next Speaker by the GOP House conference, has voiced strong concerns about what he perceives as the Justice Department’s special treatment of the Biden family regarding their questionable business affairs.

In response to President Joe Biden’s assertion that he never engaged in discussions about business with his son or individuals associated with Hunter Biden, Jordan discussed this topic during an interview on “Fox Across America” with Jimmy Failla.

“He was at two dinners with business partners and people. They’re doing business with whatever the business was. He’s at one of those dinners where it’s Elena Baturina, the Russian oligarch, the wealthiest woman in Russia, worth over $1,000,000,000. He didn’t just stop by, he didn’t call in, he spent the entire dinner there with Hunter Biden, Devin Archer, and other people who they were doing business with,” Jordan said.

“So, again, their story from the Bidens keeps changing. The story from the Garland Justice Department keeps changing. But you know whose story hasn’t changed? The two whistleblowers came forward a couple of weeks ago. Their story and their testimony have been consistent. It’s been validated by an FBI agent. I think I’ll believe those guys over the Justice Department and the White House,” he said.

“I think the big takeaway is nothing has changed at the Justice Department. I mean, John Durham told us how bad it was, that it was all a lie, Crossfire Hurricane. He told us they got incredible intelligence that said this whole thing, the Trump-Russia narrative, was from the Clinton campaign. So, the intelligence is credible enough that he briefed the president, the vice president, attorney general, the director of the FBI puts it in a memo,” Jordan noted.

“And Jim Comey doesn’t share that memo with the agents doing the case. I mean, that’s how wrong. And now we get to this situation. We have a whistleblower come forward and say they were denied information that they should have had. Hunter Biden got special treatment, preferential treatment, and they ran this case in a ridiculous way,” the potential next Speaker continued.

“So that, to me, is the big takeaway. Nothing has changed at the Justice Department, which is why what we do with the appropriations process and our focus on not allowing FISA to be reauthorized in its current form is so darn important,” he added.


Republicans have chosen Jim Jordan as their nominee for the next Speaker of the House in a closed-door meeting held on Friday. However, his journey to secure the position may be challenging.

As reported by The New York Times, GOP leaders have opted to delay the Speaker vote until the following week. This decision stems from the fact that several members have expressed their lack of support for Jordan. Notably, he is the second Republican nominee, as Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) was unable to garner enough support from the caucus to secure the Speakership.

“By a vote of 124 to 81, Mr. Jordan defeated Representative Austin Scott of Georgia, a mainstream conservative and an ally of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy who had decided just hours earlier to seek the nomination,” The Times reported. “Mr. Scott had effectively put himself forward as a protest candidate against Mr. Jordan, the co-founder of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus and a favorite of former President Donald J. Trump’s.”

“But while Mr. Jordan won the contest, his quest for the speakership still faced serious challenges. A second secret-ballot vote revealed that a sizable chunk of Republicans did not intend to support him on the floor, where he needs 217 votes to win the gavel. It was a continuation of the bitter party infighting that has broken out in recent days, paralyzing the House,” the outlet continued.