A new connection has recently surfaced between Democrat President Joe Biden and Fani Willis, the District Attorney of Fulton County, Georgia. It has come to light that a member of Biden’s reelection team is actually the business partner of Willis’s deputy.

This revelation comes at a time when there are increasing concerns regarding the underlying motives behind Willis’s case against former President Donald Trump. According to a report by Slay News, it has been disclosed that Willis’s team, responsible for prosecuting Trump, has been engaging in undisclosed meetings funded by taxpayers with Biden’s administration at the White House.

Breitbart News was the first to break this story, uncovering these latest connections after thoroughly examining financial disclosure forms:

“Chris Huttman, the business partner of Fulton County’s Deputy District Attorney Jeff DiSantis, works with President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, financial disclosures reviewed by Breitbart News show,” the outlet reports.

The revelation has further solidified the belief that Biden and his team have played a significant role in the prosecution of Trump by Willis. This recent development coincides with the imminent removal of Willis from the anti-Trump case she is handling. Willis has been leading the prosecution against Trump and his associates, accusing them of various crimes related to their efforts to challenge the results of Georgia’s 2020 presidential election.

Recent investigations have uncovered the fact that Willis hired her lover, Nathan Wade, to assist in prosecuting Trump. Wade was granted a highly lucrative contract funded by taxpayers, but it has now been revealed that he misused some of these funds to finance extravagant trips for Willis. Both Willis and Wade have testified in court, vehemently denying any wrongdoing, although their testimonies have been contradicted. It appears increasingly likely that Willis will be removed from Trump’s case.

In the midst of these developments, Breitbart has uncovered that Willis’ deputy, Jeff DiSantis, is suspected to be a “Biden plant.”:

“The Biden administration planted a Democrat operative [DiSantis] inside a Fulton County office to target former President Donald Trump, multiple sources familiar with the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office exclusively told Breitbart News.”

Another link has been established between DiSantis and Biden. It appears that Huttman, DiSantis’s associate in business, is directly connected to Biden’s campaign for reelection in 2024.

“Huttman is the ‘head media buyer and strategist’ at ‘Media Buying and Analytics, LLC,’ according to multiple press reports and a candidate advertisement agreement signed in 2023 with the Biden campaign,” the outlet reports.

It continues, “Media Buying and Analytics is the top vendor for Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign . . .

“Huttman’s history with Biden goes back to the 2020 cycle, according to Federal Election Commission records.”

Trump and numerous individuals have maintained that Willis, through her prosecution of the 45th president, has effectively been carrying out Biden’s directives. The prosecutor, who is a career Democrat, is essentially conducting an “election interference” campaign in support of Biden’s bid for reelection.

This endeavor arises as it is now highly likely that Trump, the leading candidate, will compete against Biden in the upcoming general election. According to Breitbart’s reporting, the claims are not merely a conspiracy theory, as they assert that Willis is indeed adhering to Biden’s instructions.