Republican Representative Harriet Hageman (R-WY) has delivered a cautionary message to the citizens of America regarding Democrat President Joe Biden and his family.

Endorsed by President Donald Trump for her triumphant campaign to replace Liz Cheney in 2022, Hageman asserts that the Biden family exhibits a significant level of corruption. In fact, Hageman goes as far as to warn that the Bidens surpass any previous instances of corruption witnessed in American politics.

“I believe that this is the most corrupt family ever in a position of power in this country’s history,” she said in a recent interview with Cowboy State Daily.

“We’re talking about a level of corruption that is so far beyond what we’ve seen with previous political leaders.”

Shortly after participating in a House grilling of Hunter Biden, she made her comments. Hunter was summoned before the members as part of the House investigation into potential impeachable offenses committed by President Biden.

As per the report, Hageman verified that the interview with Hunter Biden encompassed inquiries regarding his addiction to crack cocaine. Hageman highlights that Hunter’s illicit drug use occurred while he held a position on the board of the corrupt Ukrainian energy company, Burisma Holdings. Despite lacking any experience in the energy sector, Hunter Biden received an annual salary of approximately $1 million during his tenure in that role.

“Hageman said she found Hunter Biden’s deposition enlightening in that he was actively battling substance abuse addictions while actively serving Burisma, to the full knowledge of his fellow board members, all while his father was serving as vice president of the United States,” the report notes.

Hageman and others have accused President Biden of being influenced by foreign interests through an alleged influence-peddling and bribery scheme orchestrated by his family. This scheme allowed foreign entities to gain “access” to Biden and Washington D.C. in exchange for millions of dollars in bribes. The accusations suggest that this influence peddling took place during Biden’s tenure as vice president under Barack Obama and continued into his presidency.

President Biden has been reported to have engaged in discussions with individuals involved in his family’s financial transactions. House investigators, after reviewing bank records and whistleblower accounts, have verified that the Bidens received substantial sums of money from foreign sources. Hageman specifically highlights the significant payments made to Hunter Biden by Burisma as a troubling issue. During this period, then-Vice President Joe Biden was responsible for managing U.S.-Ukraine policy on behalf of the Obama administration.

“Who pays someone with these kinds of admitted raging addictions $1 million a year to be on a board in a country where you don’t even speak the language?” Hageman highlighted.

“You don’t pay a crackhead $1 million a year to be on a board in a foreign country unless you’re getting something for it.”

President Biden and the White House have consistently stated that he had no financial involvement in his family’s business transactions.

“I know that he’s suffering from dementia and that’s part of the issue, but I think part of the issue is that he (President Biden) is a liar,” Hageman revealed.