(CBrief) – The federal judge overseeing the cases against Hunter Biden issued a new order on Friday that appeared to take umbrage with his legal team, as well as the Justice Department prosecutors.

U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika’s order instructs the parties in the case to bring all issues to her directly rather than the circuit clerk’s office in order to prevent “misrepresentations” moving forward.

“I have already discussed my concerns about apparent misrepresentations made to a member of this Court’s Clerk’s Office,” the order says, according to the Daily Caller. “In addition to that, in a submission addressing those apparent misrepresentations, counsel for the House Ways and Means Committee needlessly included on the public docket an email from a Clerk’s Office staff member that contained her personal contact information.”

“THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that, going forward, any issues or inquiries in the above-captioned cases shall be brought to my attention and not to the Clerk’s Office. Any such issues and inquiries shall be submitted in writing and placed on the docket,” the order concludes.

Prior to the first son’s court appearance last week, someone on Hunter’s legal team allegedly “misrepresented her identity” during a phone call with the Clerk’s Office regarding an amicus brief filed by a GOP lawmaker, which led Noreika to threaten sanctions for Biden’s attorneys.

The Daily Caller added:

Noreika said Latham & Watkins LLP staffer Jessica Bengals represented herself as someone who worked with Theodore Kittila, the attorney for the House Ways & Means Committee in a call to the Clerk’s Office.

Republican Missouri Rep. Jason Smith, Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee, issued an amicus brief Tuesday asking the judge to consider testimony from two IRS whistleblowers showing “political interference” in the Hunter Biden investigation.

Bengals allegedly tried to get the clerk to take down information from the IRS whistleblower testimony because it contained sensitive information.

In a letter to Noreika on Tuesday night, a partner at Latham & Watkins attributed the incident to a “miscommunication,” clarifying that Bengals is not associated with Biden’s legal team. Bengals, in a sworn affidavit submitted on Tuesday, maintained that she did not misrepresent her identity to deceive the court, the Daily Caller noted further.

Prior to his appearance, Hunter Biden agreed to a plea bargain his legal team worked out with DOJ prosecutors that would see him plead guilty to a pair of tax misdemeanors while deferring any punishment for a federal gun law violation for two years.

Noreika discovered the unusual provision buried deep within the agreement and called out federal prosecutor Leo Wise and Biden attorney Chris Clark to explain it during Wednesday’s court appearance.

“Noreika’s scrutiny resulted in Biden’s plea deal blowing up after Wise conceded that the immunity provision would not protect Biden from potential charges under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) for his business dealings with Ukraine, China and Romania,” The Daily Caller noted.

Fox News host Laura Ingraham, herself an attorney, scrutinized the sweetheart plea deal during a monologue on Thursday while also speculating that Hunter Biden’s attorneys were in “cahoots” with DOJ prosecutors to ensure he got a light sentence.

“Now the details of the now defunct Hunter Biden plea show once again how far the legal system will bend to accommodate and ultimately protect the Bidens. So the rule of law is always an afterthought for these people. What’s important is keeping Joe Biden in power,” she said to begin a monologue.

She added:

So after combing through both the plea agreement itself, as well as the transcript of yesterday’s court proceedings, The Angle understands why there was such a concerted effort to keep it all from the public. Now, the most damning provision, and one we hit briefly last night, would have granted absurdly broad immunity to Hunter Biden.

Very conveniently, it would have covered every crime he may have committed during the relevant time frame. Presumably, stuff regarding his lucrative business dealings with foreign entities based in China, Romania, Ukraine and God knows where else.

Now the effort to shield Hunter from further investigations — this is an explosive development, and it begs the question, if all these relationships he had with foreign business interests were on the up and up, now, why would the first son and why would his legal team think he needed this expansive immunity deal? And why wasn’t this known until yesterday?

Well, I’ll tell you why — because it appears that the lawyers from Joe Biden’s DOJ and Hunter’s legal team were in cahoots. The secret get-out-of-jail-free arrangement was hidden in paragraph 15 of something called the Pretrial Diversion Agreement, not even the deal itself.

So when Judge Noreika discovered the scope of the immunity and then the unconstitutional role it would have conferred upon her, she was not happy.
