Another Democratic contender for a U.S. Senate position in Michigan has disclosed that he was approached with offers amounting to tens of millions of dollars to shift his candidacy towards challenging Rep. Rashida Tlaib. Tlaib, a contentious Democrat frequently accused of anti-Semitism, represents a district that encompasses Detroit.

Nasser Beydoun, a civil rights advocate and entrepreneur based in Dearborn, revealed in a video shared on social media that a pro-Israel lobby extended a $20 million proposal to encourage him to enter the primary against the incumbent, as reported by CBS News.

“Even knowing where I stand on AIPAC’s influence on our elections and foreign policy, the pro-Israel lobby had the nerve to suggest that I would even consider taking a dime from them,” he said in the video.

CBS noted further:

This makes Beydoun the second candidate to receive an offer like this. Hill Harper, another Democratic candidate running for Michigan Senate, said a donor offered him $20 million if he ran against Tlaib.

Harper noted on social media: “I didn’t intend for a private phone call to turn public. But now that it has, here’s the truth. One of the AIPAC’s biggest donors offered $20m if I dropped out of the U.S. Senate race to run against @RashidaTlaib. I said no. I won’t be bossed, bullied, or bought.”

CBS added: “Both donations would have come through the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, with $10 million in contributions to their campaigns and $10 million in independent expenditures.”

Tlaib, the only member of Congress of Palestinian heritage, has faced significant criticism for her anti-Israel positions, especially following the recent attack by the Palestinian-backed terrorist group Hamas on the Jewish state, resulting in the brutal deaths of over 1,400 citizens.

Earlier this month, as a member of the far-left “Squad,” Tlaib accused President Joe Biden, the leader of her party, of complicity in “genocide.” In a social media video, she urged Biden to endorse an immediate cease-fire to halt “the genocide of the Palestinian people” or potentially suffer consequences in the 2024 presidential election.