Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has recently taken decisive action against what he refers to as the “Squatters Scam.” Governor DeSantis signed a bill into law on Wednesday, effectively abolishing the concept of “squatters’ rights” in the state of Florida.

Furthermore, this measure imposes stricter penalties on offenders and grants law enforcement additional authority to evict squatters from the residences of Floridians.

DeSantis announced:

“You are not going to be able to commandeer somebody’s private property and expect to get away with it.

“We are in the state of Florida ending the squatter scam once and for all.”

The legislation is scheduled to come into force on July 1. Prior to its enactment, DeSantis emphasized that he considers Florida to be the pioneering state in addressing squatting problems directly.

The bill received strong backing from lawmakers in the state during the recent vote. Following its approval by the state legislature, the bill was forwarded to DeSantis’s office for his signature, and the governor officially enacted it into law.