Recent polls indicate that former President Donald Trump is strengthening his position ahead of President Joe Biden on a national level. According to a poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports and released on Tuesday, Trump is leading Biden by six points in a head-to-head matchup, with 47 percentage points compared to Biden’s 41 percentage points. The poll also revealed that Trump enjoys a significant lead among independent voters, with a 16-point advantage over the incumbent.

When third-party candidates are included, Trump maintains his lead with 43 percent support, while Biden receives 37 percent support nationally. Trump’s advantage among independent voters remains intact, as he leads Biden by ten points in this scenario.

In a recent survey conducted by HarrisX, it was revealed that Trump is currently ahead of Biden by a margin of nine points in the national polls. Among all voters, Trump holds a 47 percent lead compared to Biden’s 38 percent. Similarly, Trump maintains a ten-point lead over Biden among independent voters, with 40 percent supporting Trump and 30 percent favoring Biden. However, a significant portion of the population, accounting for 30 percent, remains undecided at this point.