A Georgia state judge is presiding over an evidentiary hearing on allegations that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis was involved in an “inappropriate” relationship. The situation quickly escalated on Friday.

Willis is currently leading the case on election interference during the 2020 presidential election against former President Donald Trump and 18 others. One of the co-defendants, Michael Roman, accused Willis of having an “improper” romantic relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade. Wade was hired by Willis to represent Trump in court.

On Friday, Willis’s father, John Floyd III, a retired lawyer and former Black Panther Party member, took a stand. His actions may have caused more harm than good as his daughter faces accusations of tax abuse, romantic nepotism, and perjury in her political career.

Floyd expressed his concern for Willis’ safety after she accused Trump and others of felony racketeering. He mentioned that he was vigilant, checking every window in the house after derogatory words were allegedly sprayed on Willis’ house by unknown individuals.

“Somebody sprayed the B-word and the N-word on the house, and I don’t think my daughter even knew about that,” he said at one point.

Floyd later went on to claim he predicted Covid-19.

”I knew it was coming before anyone in the States,” he told prosecutors. “Before Covid was even here in the U.S. – remember I lived in South Africa and I traveled the world. I knew Covid was coming before. They may have announced it in ’20, but i knew what was happening in ’19.”

Willis faced a significant setback as Floyd failed to corroborate her initial claim that she began dating Wade only after he was hired by her office. Adding to the weight of the evidence, a former acquaintance of Willis testified on Thursday that they had been in a romantic relationship since 2019.

“She kept that [relationship]a secret from you, is that correct?” a lawyer for Willis asked.

“That is correct,” he replied.

During the cross-examination by the defense attorneys, Willis contended that he had not been made aware of the fact that she possessed a substantial amount of cash at her residence. However, he attributed the presence of such cash to a cultural norm within the Black community.

“I’m not trying to be racist, Your Honor. It’s a Black thing. I was trained, most Black folks hide and keep cash. I was trained you always keep some cash, and just because of the color of my skin,” he said.

“I took a fellowship at Harvard when my daughter was just 3 years old, and I remember going to a restaurant in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and I had an American Express card and maybe a Visa, and I had a lot of what they call traveler’s checks… There was a sign that said credit card, and for whatever reason the man wouldn’t take my Amex, then he wouldn’t take my Visa. Then I pulled out traveler’s checks and he said we don’t take that either.

“I’ll never forget this, i had $10, and he said the bill for my wife and daughter and myself was $9.99. I’ll always remember that. I told my daughter you keep six months worth of cash always.”