The University of California Berkeley (UCB) campus was reportedly targeted by pro-Palestinian protesters who firebombed a building, specifically Koshland Hall, which houses labs from the Department of Molecular & Cell Biology.

According to a post on Instagram by Palestine Action in the United States, an anonymous user claimed responsibility for the attack. The post included a screenshot of a notice from the San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center website, where the author, identified as “student intifada,” mentioned that students at the University of California Los Angeles had been attacked. In response, the protesters retaliated by setting off a firebomb on the side of Koshland Hall.

“Not sure what building it even was,” the group added. “Honestly don’t really care. Every single building on the UC Berkeley campus deserves to be incinerated following the UC system’s treatment of student protestors. Last night they attacked a young woman student who was speaking her mind on a megaphone. So we unloaded a firebomb on the side of a campus building. The flame was big and spread across the trees and bushes on the side of a building.”

The University of California Police Department (UCPD) initiated an inquiry into the suspected arson incident at UCB’s campus, as reported by Kron4 News.

“Long live the student intifada for Palestine liberation,” the post continued. “Stop the genocide now. UC System must divest from Israel or face our wrath of revenge. Blessed is the flame.”

The Jerusalem Post reported that the author of the “student intifada” post stated that a “student with a megaphone” had been assaulted. Nevertheless, Students for Justice in Palestine at UCLA (SJP UCLA) allegedly verified that she was “subsequently freed.”

Both SJP UCLA and the UCPD have allegedly declared that there were efforts made by anti-Israel activists to reinstate an encampment opposing Israel at UCLA.

“They attempted twice, each time being dispersed by police for restricting public movement and disturbing nearby exams, before police and protesters finally clashed,” the outlet reported. “UCLA Associate Vice Chancellor for Campus Safety Rick Braziel said in a statement Tuesday that some students had missed finals because of the encampments, and others had to be moved mid-examination.”

Rick Braziel, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Campus Safety at UCLA, confirmed that protesters had caused “at least six injuries to UCPD personnel and other safety officers.”

“One security guard was left with his head bleeding after he was struck with an object,” Braziel said in a statement. “Simply put, these acts of non-peaceful protest are abhorrent and cannot continue.”

27 people have since been arrested.