Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration is currently facing a tumultuous situation as a considerable number of staffers are planning to go on strike this Tuesday. Reports from the Daily Mail and other sources indicate that these officials are organizing the walkout to express their dissatisfaction with President Biden’s stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Numerous federal agencies will be affected by this walkout, as staffers from over two dozen agencies have come together to support this protest. The decision to hold the walkout on this particular day holds significance, as it coincides with the 100th day of Israel’s retaliatory strikes against Hamas terrorists in Gaza. It appears that many Biden administration staffers strongly support these terrorists, which has further intensified the situation.

The gravity of the matter has led to the formation of a group called “Feds United for Peace,” consisting of an internal “cabal” within the Biden administration and other federal employees.

The Daily Mail noted:

“The move is reportedly fueled by growing resentment inside the administration over Biden’s unwavering support for Israel’s military bombardment of Palestine, which has killed upwards of 23,000 people, mostly civilians.”

The president was already facing difficulties in gaining the backing of the younger electorate.

Biden’s position on the Israel-Hamas conflict has had a considerable impact on this matter.

For some inexplicable reason, a considerable number of young individuals have been completely influenced to believe that Israel lacks the right to protect itself.

Consequently, individuals with left-leaning ideologies have initiated demonstrations across the nation in support of the Hamas-governed Gaza Strip.

The organizers of the movement have chosen to remain anonymous and have conveyed their assurance in effortlessly attracting a substantial number of supporters from various federal agencies. The announcement of the imminent walkout quickly caught the attention of social media users.

“I am a 40+ year federal employee,” one X user wrote.

“I will be at work on Tuesday.

“This is selfish behavior on the part of those whose salary is funded by the taxpayers.

“Also, it is not the way to force any Executive Branch policy changes.”

Another X user wrote, “Please fire them all.

“We don’t need deranged leftist Hamas lovers in government.”