President Joe Biden, like his Democratic predecessors, often receives more favorable treatment from the mainstream media compared to Republican presidents. However, in recent weeks, some media outlets that typically support Biden have taken a critical stance.

This includes CNN, which aired a candid assessment of Biden’s presidency as the 2024 campaign season kicks off.

On Thursday’s “Inside Politics” program, host Dana Bash presented some sobering statistics about Biden, drawing from a harsh new survey conducted by the network.

“There is no way to spin this. CNN reads the country’s mood right now and finds that America is deeply unhappy with Joe Biden. Most Democratic voters hope for change at the top of the ticket, and Americans don’t take the president and his word when he talks about his son Hunter,” she said as the show opened.

“Our new poll has important new takeaways about 2024. There is deep-rooted dissatisfaction with the incumbent and the direction he is taking the country. There are even deeper doubts about if Mr. Biden is up to the job again,” she added before bringing in CNN Political Director David Chalian.

“This is setting off alarm bells inside the Biden campaign in the White House,” he responded, citing the network’s survey. “Overall, his approval rating is down now at 39 percent approved, so more than six in 10 Americans disapprove of the job he’s doing. And you see, he’s been hovering here for a little bit, Dana, since the spring.

“You mentioned that Democrats would like somebody other than Biden as the nominee of their party. That is dramatic. So, two-thirds of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters say that they would like a different candidate to be the Democratic nominee,” Chalian added.

“Only a third of Democrats and Democratic leaners say they want Joe Biden to be the nominee. And we asked this open-ended question of Democrats and Democratic leaners. What is your biggest concern about a Biden candidacy? It’s not even close, Dana,” he added. “Forty-nine percent say it’s his age, 7 percent mental sharpness, 7 percent health ability to do the job. This is all related to Joe Biden being the oldest president currently serving and obviously asking the country to renew his contract for four more years beyond next year.”

Bash then pressed Chalian on what a potential rematch between Biden and former President Donald Trump looked like based on the survey.

“It’s is a dead heat race basically, 47 percent Trump, 46 percent Biden. This is the first time we at CNN this cycle have tested a general election matchup like this. And this is no clear leader, well within the margin of error, a real dead heat contest. And you know what, it’s not a contest many Americans are all that psyched about,” he said.

“And Dana, look at some of these attributes for the president. He doesn’t have majority support for any of them. 45 percent of Americans say he cares about people like you, 33 percent say they’re proud to have Biden as a president. Only 28 percent of Americans say that the president inspires confidence,” he noted further.

On another note, Jim Messina, a former staffer and advisor to former President Obama, widely credited with helping him secure his election, has expressed concerns about the potential 2024 election rematch between Biden and Trump.

Messina recently delivered a 22-slide presentation to fellow Democrats aimed at boosting confidence in the President’s chances for re-election. However, his comments to Politico suggest that there are reasons for Democrats to be far from reassured.

“I thought it was important to say to my friends and clients and other people, let’s just take a step back and try to be really number-specific and really sort of who has what cards in their poker hand,” he said.

“Every day, it seems, there’s new fodder for Democrats looking to freak out about President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects: Sagging public views of the economy. Persistent voter concerns about Biden’s age. And erosion in the president’s standing among key minority groups, to name a few,” he said. “Historically, we’re f***ing bedwetters.”