(CBrief) – Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene took verbal aim at the Biden administration in a series of social media posts on Friday after special counsel Jack Smith filed federal charges against former President Donald Trump.

The tweets came after Trump was arraigned in a Washington, D.C., federal court on Thursday, where he was charged with conspiring alongside his allies to disseminate false claims about the 2020 election and devising plans aimed at overturning his defeat to President Biden.

According to the indictment, Trump and his allies allegedly made repeated false statements about the election results in the two months following his loss and also exerted pressure on former Vice President Mike Pence and state election officials in an attempt to retain power, Fox News noted.

“Trump’s charges include conspiracy to defraud the U.S. and conspiracy to obstruct Congress’ certification of” President Joe Biden’s election win, the outlet continued.

In one tweet, Greene described the latest charges as “a communist attack” on Americans’ ability to choose who they want to lead them.

She declared: “I will still vote for Trump even if he’s in jail. This is a communist attack on America’s first amendment to vote for who THE PEOPLE want for President by an attempt to take Trump off the ballots through a politically weaponized DOJ. People know exactly what this is.”

Following the indictments, the Georgia Republican renewed her call to impeach President Joe Biden, but not as political payback, as a result of a “mountain” of corruption “evidence” she says the GOP now possesses.

“Republicans need to open their eyes. The media is going to do their best to try to say impeaching Biden is political paybacks. That’s 100% BULLSHIT. Impeachment of Biden is because he’s a CRIMINAL and we have a mountain of evidence proving it and gaining more daily. Don’t fall for the stupid plays of media spin and interview pressures. DO THE RIGHT THING. Impeach the CRIMINAL IN CHEIF [sic]!!!” she noted in another tweet.

She has also called for Trump’s impeachments to be expunged from the official record.

“These egregious impeachments must be expunged,” Greene posted on the X platform, formally known as Twitter. “They are stains on the House of Representatives that should not be allowed to stand. It’s simple. If you voted NO on impeachment then you should be able to easily vote YES to expungement.”

She added: “Today’s indictment of President Trump is a political assassination attempt by Joe Biden and his henchmen to remove the leading presidential candidate from the ballot in 2024. The American people will reelect President Trump!”

The Washington Examiner noted further:

The current GOP front-runner was impeached in 2019 for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress and again in 2021 after the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol when his supporters attempted to overturn Biden’s election victory.

Trump was charged with four felony counts in relation to his alleged election subversion in 2020 by a grand jury convened by special counsel Jack Smith on late Wednesday afternoon.

In a video posted to her platform, Greene said, “We are living in a post-Constitution era.”

In the video, Greene expressed her concerns about a double standard stifling American voices and political justice. She highlighted the challenge of ensuring a fair trial for Trump or any Republican leader in the current left-leaning political climate.

The Georgia Republican made a case by comparing the widely publicized claims made by failed 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and twice-failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams about their elections being stolen to Trump’s assertion regarding the 2020 presidential election, arguing that there was no difference in the nature of his claims.

Last month, Greene called for expanding the list of people at Biden’s Department of Justice who the GOP-led House should impeach, including Attorney General Merrick Garland should be impeached along with U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Matthew Graves.
