The persistent falsehood propagated by the media continues to endure: the “very fine people” hoax originating from the events in Charlottesville seven years ago. For years, Democrats and the media perpetuated this narrative, which served as one of the initial major stories aimed at depicting the Trump administration as fundamentally racist. This portrayal tarnished the image of Donald Trump among moderates and provided justification for the extreme and often unlawful opposition from the left.

Although the fact-checking organization Snopes effectively debunked this myth in June 2024, it appeared that the falsehood had finally been laid to rest. However, the Kamala Harris campaign recently revived it with a disingenuous tweet on Monday.

Regrettably for the Kamala Campaign, ordinary Twitter users now possess the capability to fact-check the elite independently. A surge of vigilant fact-checkers emerged to highlight the evident falsehood.

As is widely recognized, Trump made a general statement regarding the crowd of both right and left-wing demonstrators, asserting that there were “very fine people” on both sides. He did, however, “totally condemn” the small group of white supremacists and neo-Nazis present. The media, in a disingenuous manner, removed these contextual elements to portray him as divisive and hateful.

The remark about “very fine people” was intended to promote unity: individuals can hold differing political views yet still unite in denouncing the truly malevolent actors. This could have been a genuinely unifying moment if the left acknowledged that there are indeed commendable individuals on the right, just as the right condemned the undesirable elements within their ranks. However, through their overt manipulation of this situation, the media revealed their true intentions for the first time.

They do not seek unity. They do not desire equal justice and standards. Their aim is to vilify the right—entirely—and to protect the left regardless of their actions. They will resort to blatant falsehoods to accomplish this. By perpetuating this falsehood seven years later, long after it has been definitively disproven, Harris illustrates precisely how she would govern if she were to secure the presidency this November.

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