Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has recently announced that she will not uphold the loyalty pledge she agreed to when she joined the GOP’s 2024 primary debates. Haley, who is the preferred candidate of the Democrats, made this statement while appearing on NBC News’s “Meet The Press.” The Republican National Committee (RNC) required all presidential candidates participating in their debates to pledge their support to the eventual GOP presidential nominee.

Haley, along with other candidates, signed this pledge. It appears highly probable at this stage that President Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee. Trump, however, did not sign the pledge as he did not take part in the debates. Despite his continued dominance in the polls and Republican primaries, Haley remains his sole remaining “rival” in these primaries. While the rivalry has not been significant due to Trump’s overwhelming lead, Haley is choosing not to withdraw and allow the party to progress with Trump, for reasons that are unclear to many. By participating in the Republican Party debates, Haley committed to supporting the party’s presidential nominee. Yet, she is now reneging on that commitment.

When questioned during her NBC appearance, Haley was asked whether she feels obligated to honor the pledge she made:

“No. I think I’ll make what decision I want to make,” Haley said.

Haley stated that she is now comfortable with breaking the pledge because she believes that the RNC has undergone significant changes since she initially made the commitment. The only plausible explanation for this statement is Ronna McDaniel stepping down from her leadership role within the RNC and Trump’s efforts to replace her with a loyal supporter. Trump reacted to Haley’s decision on Sunday through a post on Truth Social, where he referred to her by his usual nickname, “Birdbrain.”

“Birdbrain is a loser, record low performance in virtually every State,” Trump wrote.

“DeSanctus easily beat her in Iowa for a VERY DISTANT second place, and then she ran up to the podium, before he had a chance to do so, and claimed victory.”

Trump concluded, “I enjoy watching the Bird disavow her PLEDGE to the RNC and her statement that she would NEVER run against President Trump (“A great President”).

“Well, she ran, she lied, and she LOST BIG!”