(CBrief) – Joe Biden has been in Washington, D.C., for the vast majority of his life, serving as a senator for decades before becoming Barack Obama’s vice president and, after a short stint outside elected office, president of the United States.

Throughout the years, Biden has developed some rather odd habits that he brought with him to the Oval Office and continues to engage in, to this day, according to someone with insider knowledge after some of the details were leaked to the media.

“If you squint really hard and comb through every article written on life in the White House since January 2021, it emerges that Joe Biden does have a few entertainingly odd habits,” noted New York Magazine’s Margaret Hartmann says of Biden’s peculiarities.

One of them, according to Hartmann, is Biden’s tendency to force Vice President Kamala Harris to sit through slideshows of his official duties during their weekly lunches.

The Western Journal notes further:

Curiously, these aren’t focused on key policy matters, but rather photos of official appearances and foreign visits.

Biden has eaten lunch with Harris less frequently than he did at the start of his tenure — a possible sign of estrangement with the workplace-challenged vice president, or the result of Biden’s preference for a “nightmarish twist” of photo slides during the meetings.

Biden often subjects White House staff to Situation Room meetings that last for hours, according to a 2021 report by The New York Times.

“You become so hyper-prepared,” former Biden speechwriter Dylan Loewe noted in describing the meetings. “I’ve got to answer every conceivable question he can come up with.”

Staff members and government officials are often forced to engage in hours-long discussions about policy matters, which can leave them fatigued.

Also, Biden has demonstrated a tendency to reverse decisions that were made after months of consideration. This was evident in 2021 when he changed his stance on raising refugee admissions, retracting his initial decision after being influenced by open borders activists.

“The extent to which the president retains the obscure information is less clear,” The Western Journal noted further. “Biden once became frustrated during a 2021 meeting on illegal immigration in which it became clear that none of his policy aides had traveled to the border directly, according to the Times.”

In addition, according to Hartmann, Biden will also simply hang up on someone if he loses patience with them on a phone call. And sometimes, he will use a school-style lunchbox to bring food into the executive offices.

“Although, the executive has surprised White House employees with sudden and unexpected visits to their workplaces,” the Journal added.

A recent survey reveals that the majority of people are still anxious about President Joe Biden’s ability to serve as president despite First Lady Jill Biden’s assurances to funders that “nothing” can hold him down.

“Nothing can slow him down and now he’s ready to finish the job,” Jill Biden said at fundraisers in Minnesota and Tennessee over the weekend, where donors gave millions of dollars to Biden’s re-election effort.

“The president is coming off a series of stumbles: he tumbled at the Air Force Academy and had a near fall in Hiroshima when he tripped on a set of stairs earlier this month. And a new NBC News poll shows voters remain concerned if President Biden, 80, has the stamina to complete another four years in office,” the Daily Mail reported.

“The poll found that 68 percent are concerned that Biden does not possess the ‘necessary mental and physical health to be president’ while 32 percent said that they have minor or no concerns. Additionally, it found that 60 percent are concerned about Biden ‘being re-elected and serving another four years as president’ while 40 percent are not concerned,” the outlet added.
