The city of Boston, Massachusetts, which is led by the Democratic party, has been extending a warm welcome to foreign nationals who have entered the country illegally. Recently released documents reveal the increasing financial burden on the public for accommodating migrants in Massachusetts. As the state grapples with the strain on its emergency shelter system, taxpayers have been footing the bill for illegal border crossers to stay in hotels and enjoy lavish meals.

The state has entered into 17 contracts amounting to $116 million to house predominantly young male migrants until June. One of these contracts, worth $10 million, was awarded without a bidding process to a company responsible for providing meals, according to CBS News Boston, which obtained the documents. In certain instances, the state is paying hotels $64 per person per day for meals. These meals consist of $16 for breakfast, $17 for lunch, and $31 for dinner.

Last August, Massachusetts Governor Maura T. Healey declared a state of emergency due to the overwhelming number of migrants in the state’s shelter system, which exceeded 20,000 individuals. In July of the previous year, Healey even appealed to residents to open their homes to house illegal aliens. Due to capacity constraints, the state has resorted to using hotels as emergency shelters.

However, at the beginning of this month, a new taxpayer-funded facility with 400 beds was inaugurated in Boston’s Melnea Cass Recreational Center by the state. This move came after reports surfaced of migrants sleeping at Logan Airport, highlighting the strain on the state’s resources due to the border crisis under Democrat President Joe Biden. Massachusetts, like New York, has a well-established Right to Shelter law.

Under this law, the state is obligated to offer emergency shelter to families in dire need, regardless of their citizenship status. The law specifically states that emergency shelters must have basic cooking facilities. In cases where shelters do not have these facilities, such as certain hotels, the state is required to intervene and arrange for food to be provided to those staying there who are not contributing financially.

An investigation by CBS affiliate WBZ revealed that Spinelli Ravioli Manufacturing Company in East Boston was granted a $10 million six-month no-bid contract to supply and deliver meals.

“As an approved state vendor, Spinelli’s was contacted at the onset of the crisis,” the company told WBZ.

“We are not the exclusive meal vendor and do not have a guaranteed contract, or financial agreement, beyond this initial emergency period,” the statement added.

“We are currently in the bid process for an enduring contract and are looking forward to continuing to aid the State and the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities to reach their goals.”