(TStarnes) – Arizona taxpayers are about to foot the bill for a LGBT middle school.

The Queer Blended Learning Center is set to open in August. About a half dozen kids are already enrolled.

“We’re seeing nationally that LGBTQ youth are, frankly, under attack legislatively” and culturally, one∙n∙ten CEO Nate Rhoton told the Arizona Republic. “It’s deadly to the youth that we serve.”

The newspaper reports that parents will be able to use taxpayer-funded vouchers to cover the tuition cost.

The Queer Learning Center will focus exclusively on gay history – using lesson plans created by the New York Department of Education.

Kids will not learn about math or science or reading – they will have to take those classes through an online home school program.

They’re going to be too busy figuring out pronouns to teach the kids how to do long form division.

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And it’ll be a bathroom free-for-all at the Queer Learning Center. No bathrooms based on your God-given gender.

Leaders of the school say it’s important for sixth graders to be educated in a place where they can feel good about their gender identity and sexual orientation.

“We just had this population of sixth, seventh and eighth graders that could really benefit from a safe space to be able to really have exceptional education while also having education that pertains to their own identity,” Rhoton said.

Family Research Council warned that the school could become a breeding ground for groomers.

A school centered on LGBT ideology is a breeding ground for confused, depressed, anxious, and lost individuals. Moreover, a school centered on LGBT ideology is run by confused, depressed, anxious, and lost individuals.

“Of course, the irony of this grooming school is its redundancy. After all, children have been indoctrinated with the LGBT agenda in public schools for years. Using education as an excuse to prey on children is nothing new, this is just a louder version of it,” the pro-family activist group stated.
