Jerry Seinfeld, the renowned sitcom actor, encountered a hostile group of pro-Hamas demonstrators who aggressively hurled anti-Semitic slurs at him as he departed from an event in New York City. The incident took place after Seinfeld attended the annual State of the World Jewry event on Saturday, accompanied by Bari Weiss, the founder of Free Press.

The video footage captured the protesters accusing Seinfeld of endorsing genocide, while some individuals resorted to shouting derogatory remarks such as “Nazi scum” towards the Jewish comedian.

“Genocide supporter, you support genocide!” protesters yelled at Seinfeld as he left an event, per footage shared by FNTV.

“F— you, you support genocide,” another protester yelled as Seinfeld left the venue.

“Nazi scum!” other demonstrators chanted.

“The small crowd of protesters rallied outside the community center that was hosting Weiss, who was giving the 92Y’s annual State of the World Jewry address,” The New York Post reported Monday.

“Protesters were critical of Weiss, a strong supporter of Israel, and tried to connect her to the death of Palestinian professor and poet Refaat Alareer, who was killed in Gaza in December in an Israeli airstrike,” the report continued.