The Republican National Committee’s research division has released a video montage depicting President Joe Biden in a way that suggests concerns about a decline in his mental capacity.

The montage features various clips of Biden mumbling, stumbling through sentences, and, at times, appearing to forget his intended points. Some segments portray him as confused and rambling.

Concerns about President Joe Biden’s apparent declining mental condition have become a significant issue for voters. Dr. Carole Lieberman, a physician with appearances on major networks, emphasized that the focus should not solely be on Biden’s age, as there are older individuals who remain mentally sharp. Instead, she highlighted concerns about Biden’s competency, suggesting that he might not pass a cognitive test.

Dr. Lieberman referenced a mini-mental state exam, an 11-question measure testing cognitive functions such as orientation, registration, attention, recall, and language. She speculated that Biden might struggle with basic questions, like identifying the current president.

These concerns about Biden’s mental state have been reflected in various surveys over the past year. A Harvard Harris Poll in August revealed that only 32 percent of respondents believed Biden was mentally fit to serve as President, while 68 percent expressed doubts about his mental acuity. Despite his overall approval rating standing around 40 percent, the question of Biden’s mental fitness could play a crucial role in the 2024 Presidential Election, and addressing these concerns proactively may be essential for Democrats seeking a second term for Biden.

In June, a nationwide survey conducted for NBC News indicated that more than two-thirds of registered voters, accounting for 68 percent, expressed moderate to major concerns about Biden’s “not having the necessary mental and physical health” for the presidency. This marked a significant 17-point increase from the same question posed in October 2020.

The updated poll revealed that 32% of voters stated having little to no concerns, representing a decline from the 48% of voters who responded similarly in October 2020, just a month before the November presidential election, as reported by the Daily Wire, citing the survey.

Comparatively, the survey found a lower percentage of voters, though still a majority at 55 percent, sharing similar concerns about Trump, who recently turned 77.

A survey from the preceding month reported comparable findings and sentiments regarding the president. An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll indicated that a majority of Americans, by a margin of 62 percent to 36 percent, believe that Biden lacks the mental capacity to continue serving as president beyond his first term.