A well-known Democratic figure from Manhattan made an appearance on CNN to express concerns about a potential surge of support for the Republican Party in New York. In an interview on Wednesday, Mark Levine, the Borough president of Manhattan, emphasized the importance of not overlooking the working-class voters who are showing interest in President Donald Trump and the Republican Party, even in areas that have historically been strongholds for the Democratic Party like New York City.

“We cannot take working-class voters for granted,” Mark Levine warned CNN.

“Democrats have to do better at that,” he said.

Levine contended that the Democrats’ messaging regarding “climate change” and student loan forgiveness is failing to sway swing voters and working-class voters. He made these remarks during an appearance on CNN following his participation in a Politico article featuring interviews with numerous officials. The article highlighted worries within the Democratic party about the potential failure of the Biden campaign.

“New York Democrats need to wake up,” Levine told the outlet.

“The number of people in New York, including people of color that I come across who are saying positive things about Trump, is alarming.”


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