Democrat mayors of what are commonly referred to as “sanctuary cities” are vehemently criticizing President Joe Biden for his lack of action in addressing the border crisis.

Ever since border states began relocating undocumented immigrants to these “sanctuaries” throughout the nation, cities led by Democrats have been inundated with an influx of migrants.

This development has transformed the border crisis into a matter of national concern, prompting Democrats to publicly call for decisive measures from President Biden.

According to a recent report, Democrats are now openly expressing their frustration with the “escalating crises in their cities” as illegal immigrants continue to pour into various cities across the country.

“Publicly, the Democratic politicians have described mounting crises in their cities,” The New York Times reported.

“Privately, they are in almost daily contact with Tom Perez, director of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, and other administration officials.”

The report continued: “For the most part they are not calling for the kind of severe border restrictions that Republicans are demanding, but they want help with overflowing migrant encampments, packed shelters and busted budgets.”

“It’s both a humanitarian and fiscal crisis,” Denver’s Democrat Mayor Mike Johnston told The Times.

“We aren’t going to sit by and watch moms and 6-month-olds in tents on the streets in 10-degree weather.

“But by refusing to do that we are on the path to spend $180 million next year and could not do that either.”

“As mayors, we are so frustrated,” Johnston added.

The contention put forth is that by having work authorization, federal funding, and a well-coordinated entry strategy, the migrant crisis can indeed be resolved.

Various Democratic mayors and local authorities throughout the nation are also expressing their dissatisfaction with the Biden administration’s inadequate support in addressing the migrant crisis.

Mayor Brandon Johnson of Chicago emphasized that the crisis is inherently “international and federal” in nature, rather than being solely a local issue.

“What we have is clearly an international and federal crisis that local governments are being asked to subsidize, and this is unsustainable,” Johnson said during a CBS interview.

“None of our local economies are positioned to be able to carry on such a mission.”

Gov. Maura Healey, the Democratic Governor of Massachusetts, expressed the need for increased assistance from the federal government in her state.

“States like Massachusetts are in desperate need of more support from the federal government to address this historic surge in migrant arrivals,” Healey said.

“We need Congress to act on President Biden’s budget that includes critical funding for border security and for cities and states like ours.”