President Donald Trump has announced his intention to address the crisis at the Southern Border with decisive measures if he secures re-election this year.

In an honest and timely article published by the Des Moines Register, Trump outlined his strategy for the first day of his second term, should he be granted another opportunity to serve.

Trump emphasized his determination to rectify the shortcomings of Democrat President Joe Biden’s border policies, making it evident that they would face significant changes.

“The most urgent task facing the next president is to end Joe Biden’s nation-wrecking nightmare on our southern border,” Trump wrote.

“I am the only candidate who will stop this invasion — and I will do it on day one.

“On my first day back in office, I will terminate every open borders policy of the Biden administration and immediately restore the full set of strong Trump border policies,” he said.

Once the border is fully secured, the 45th president has expressed his intention to implement a comprehensive deportation program for individuals residing in the United States without proper documentation under the Biden administration.

“The millions of illegal aliens who have invaded under Biden require a record number of removals,” Trump said.

One tool Trump plans to use to secure the border is a 1978 law.

“I also will invoke the Alien Enemies Act to remove known or suspected gang members, drug dealers, or cartel members from the United States,” Trump wrote.

According to NBC News, during the Lincoln Day Dinner in Detroit on June 25, he initially declared his plan to utilize the 18th-century law.

It is imperative that actions similar to the ones Trump pledged to take on “day one” occur promptly.

Under Biden’s administration, the influx of individuals crossing the border has escalated to a disastrous extent.

In December alone, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, as reported by Fox News, recorded over 302,000 instances of encounters with unauthorized immigrants crossing the southern border of the United States.