(CBrief) – One of former President Donald Trump’s top advisors, Stephen Miller, claimed that the Department of Justice was “trying to put President Trump in jail for 100 lifetimes over a library dispute.”

Miller appeared on “Jesse Watters Primetime” and spoke about Trump being charged with three additional counts by Department of Justice Special Counsel Jack Smith, including “willful retention of national defense information” and obstruction. Additionally, Trump was charged with ordering a maintenance worker to remove surveillance footage from his Mar-a-Lago resort.

On the separate allegations of bribery and foreign corruption against President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, Miller said:

All of the answers that we could ever need til the end of time, that would close the book on this forever, are inside that drug-addled brain of Hunter Biden. He is the star witness. Now this isn’t hard for the DOJ. This is the kind of thing that people like James Comey could do in their sleep. You would go to Hunter and you would say, “We have you dead to rights on tax crimes, being an unregistered foreign agent, on sex crimes, on drug crimes, on gun crimes, on every crime under the sun, and we will give you an immunity deal, a non-prosecution agreement, under one condition: you tell us everything and you give us the instructions for every foreign bank account and every transaction involving your father Joe.

Watters joked, “Yeah but Stephen, what you’re missing is, why do that when you can charge Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago maintenance worker?”

“What is $50 million in bribery and foreign corruption and trading on America’s national security compared to a janitor in a library dispute with the national archives? I mean, good lord, Jesse,” Miller said.

Miller added: “This is why the American people are absolutely just fed up. They are completely at their wits’ end when it comes to DOJ corruption. They are trying to put President Trump in jail for 100 lifetimes over a library dispute with the National Archives! But right in front of us is literally the corruption case of the century, of American history, and it would take is working Hunter Biden for a couple of hours facing real jail time.”

Watters concluded, “Yeah, it’s disgusting. I’ll say this, we’re disgusted with it, the voters are disgusted with it.”


Trump’s classified documents case will take place in Florida and it could work to his advantage when it comes to his federal trial for allegedly mishandling classified documents.

U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon ruled last week that Trump will stand trial on May 20, 2024, on charges that he mishandled classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate, Politico reported.

A new report details how the jury pool will come primarily from counties that Trump handily won in the 2016 and 2020 elections, which could work to his advantage.

Additionally, the federal judge hearing the case is Aileen Cannon, whom Trump appointed. The judge has signaled that the trial would take place in Fort Pierce, the federal courthouse where she usually sits, at the northern end of the Southern District of Florida.

“That decision means Trump’s jurors are set to be drawn from the most brightly red corner of a vast court district, plucked from a community that leans heavily Republican—instead of the highly populous and more Democratic urban areas further south. Cannon, the Trump-nominated judge who court officials said was selected at random to hear the case, is the only one of the Southern District of Florida’s 26 active judges assigned in Fort Pierce,” The Daily Beast reported.

“If her palm tree-lined courthouse in that city is the site of what may be the most politically significant trial in American history, the proceedings will take place 70 miles north of the oceanside mansion where Trump amassed sensitive national security documents without permission—even though the West Palm Beach federal courthouse is down the street,” the outlet added.

“You drive around, and you’ll see ‘Trump’ flags and ‘Make America Great Again’ flying in front of houses,” said Paul Bernard, a criminal defense lawyer in Fort Pierce. “With Trump’s trial down this way, he’s going to have a bunch of supporters—and they’re going to make their way onto the jury panel.”

The Daily Beast report continued: “It’s solidly MAGA country: all five counties voted heavily in favor of Trump in the 2020 election he ultimately lost, with Okeechobee topping out at 72 percent. Across the board, the former president nabbed 62 percent of the vote on average. In increasingly Republican South Florida, Trump already had a good shot at landing a favorable jury. Although Miami-Dade County still leans blue, it has swung heavily toward the GOP, and right-wing extremist groups like the Proud Boys have permeated official party organizations there. Even Democratic strongholds like Broward and Palm Beach counties have become redder in the Trump years.”

“Overall, the jurors in these five counties are going to be more conservative than your Palm Beach or Dade jurors. And South Florida used to be very blue, but it’s not as blue as it used to be. Things have changed in the past five, ten years. Generally, we’re going to be pretty conservative in this area,” he said.
