Rep. Maxine Waters, a long-serving California Democrat in Congress since the early 1990s, launched a vehement critique of Republicans and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) during a dramatic outburst on MSNBC on Sunday.

During an interview with Jonathan Capehart, the 85-year-old Waters questioned the patriotism of the entire Republican Party and alleged that they were causing harm to the nation. This came after the host played a similarly passionate rant from DNC chair Jaime Harrison on the same network, where Harrison had criticized McCarthy as “weak” and “feckless.”

But Waters went even beyond that, describing McCarthy as “pathetic” and “begging on his knees” in order to survive his own party. “It is more than pathetic,” she said.

She then went on to falsely claim — without ever being challenged by Capehart — that Republicans are “devastating this country” and attacking “children and veterans and seniors,” and “literally almost eliminating education in this country.”

“They’re not patriots,” Waters said. “They are basically not only disrupting this country, they are destroying it.”

“They cannot claim patriotism anymore,” she said. “For the Republicans, patriotism is lost. It’s gone.”