Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper strongly criticized President Joe Biden’s recent star-studded fundraiser on Fox News. Cooper highlighted the fact that while the Democratic Party raises millions, Americans are enduring significant hardships. Cooper appeared on “Hannity” to discuss Biden’s record-breaking fundraiser, which took place on the same day as the wake of slain New York Police Department officer Jonathan Diller. While Biden offered condolences to the family during a conversation with Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams, he faced backlash from former President Donald Trump and other Republicans.

Cooper emphasized that Biden’s decision to boast about the fundraiser was inappropriate given the ongoing economic struggles faced by millions of Americans. Furthermore, Cooper compared Biden’s actions to those of Trump, asserting that people had thrived under the former president’s administration.

“What we saw last night was the president’s ‘let them eat cake’ moment. Millions of Americans are suffering because of the mismanagement of this economy. I say this frequently. We’re seeing record numbers of foreclosures, people are having their cars repossessed, we are seeing a silent job loss because the reports are now showing that the actual growth in employment is in part-time jobs, not in full-time jobs. It is totally and completely unseemly, in this economic environment, for our president to say that we’re going to try to set the record for the amount raised. No money to help people buy eggs and bacon. No money to make sure that people can afford gasoline,” Cooper stated.
