(CBrief) – Vice President Kamala Harris set the Internet on fire with conspiracy theories after a gaffe she made in a speech on climate change.

The voice president said in the speech that one of the goals for a cleaner environment was to reduce population, which the White House later corrected.

“When we invest in clean energy, and electric vehicles, and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water,” she said in a speech on clean energy.

Conservatives seized on the error.

Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene who tore into her..

“@VP what do you mean by reduce population? Abortion? Assisted suicide? Or what means are you suggesting to reduce population in (order) to help public health?” she said.

“What she just said, you’re not supposed to say if you’re a liberal,” Fox News host Jesse Watters said on his show “Jesse Watters Primetime.” “They’ve been saying this for a long time, they need to reduce population to heal the planet. How does she actually intend to do that do you think?”

“This is another one of those Republican conspiracy theories you’ve said for so long, that Democrats want to reduce the population, and then she just flat out said it,” Tomi Lahren responded.

“Kamala Harris admits she wants to reduce the population for environmental reasons. That’s not just anti-American. That’s anti-human,” Ohio state Sen. Michael Rulli said.

“Are you the population she wants to reduce?” Rep. Thomas Massie said.

But in the official transcript of the speech the White House corrected the vice president and said that the word she intended to use was pollution.

“When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population pollution, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water,” the official White House transcript shows.

Fox News “Outnumbered” co-host Harris Faulkner expressed concern for Vice President Kamala Harris after pointing out some of her most recent “word salad” explanations of various topics and subject matter.

During a show segment on Thursday, the program rolled a video of the VP saying, “The issue of transportation is fundamentally about just making sure that people have the ability to get where they need to go.”

That led co-host Kayleigh McEnany to say, “Hmmm. But wait, there’s more,” before pointing to Harris’ claim in a tweet that “the majority of domestic flights do not have accessible restrooms.”

“The majority of domestic flights do not have accessible restrooms. This is absolutely unacceptable. Our Administration will soon announce a solution to help end this inequity,” Harris wrote.

McEnany declared in response, “Every domestic flight I’ve been on has had accessible restrooms — trust me, I change my kids in them.”

The show then rolled video of Harris attempting to explain artificial intelligence earlier this week.

“I think the first part of this issue that should be articulated, AI is kind of a fancy thing,” Harris said. “First of all, it’s two letters. It means, Artificial Intelligence.”

“She is off track, and I think we know this even from a president who has historically low approval ratings,” Faulkner said. “So, it doesn’t really matter now what she says as much as what she does. What is she doing to change the opinion of Americans? And if she ends up running in Biden’s place and for some reason he doesn’t run — is there enough time for her to turn this ship around?”

“And, you know, she’s counting the letters of AI and telling the rest of us that there are only two letters,” she added. “I’m worried for her.”

“I am too, I am too,” McEnany agreed. “As a former colleague reminded me, VP has only two letters, as well.”

“It stands for Vice President,” joked Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen.

“Thank you for clearing that up,” Faulkner responded mockingly.
