Tucker Carlson shared with the audience at the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Thursday evening the details of two significant phone conversations he and his wife had with former President Donald Trump. One of these conversations took place shortly after the unsuccessful assassination attempt on Saturday. Carlson took the stage at the RNC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to express his endorsement of Trump as the Republican Party’s presidential candidate.

“But being a leader is very different. It’s not a title. It’s organic. You can’t name someone a leader. A leader is the bravest man. That’s who the leader is. That is true in all human organizations. This is a law of nature. And in that moment, Donald Trump months before the presidential election became the leader of this nation,” Carlson said.

“I reached out to Trump within hours of it, that night, and what he said to me that a night having just within shot in the face, he said not a single word about himself. He said only how amazed he was and how proud he was of the crowd which didn’t run,” Carlson said.

Carlson proceeded to vocalize his initial reactions subsequent to conversing with Trump post the unsuccessful assassination endeavor on Saturday during a rally in Pennsylvania. The Daily Caller News Foundation and co-founder of Daily Caller emphasized how Trump instilled courage in the crowd to stand their ground, as he visibly clenched his fist and silently mouthed the word “fight” before being swiftly escorted by Secret Service agents into his motorcade.

Carlson noted how Trump turned down “the most obvious opportunity in politics to enflame the nation after being shot.”

The ex-Fox News anchor proceeded to describe a separate conversation his spouse had with the previous commander-in-chief in 2018 when Antifa supporters showed up to demonstrate outside Carlson’s residence.

“The day after the midterm elections in 2018, Antifa came to my house. The Democratic Party’s militia. I was at work. It was obvious when I was at work because it was public. My wife was home alone. They tried to come in the front door. She hid in the pantry. It was horrible,” Carlson said.

Watch the full speech: