Fran Itkoff, a dedicated supporter of individuals with MS, has recently faced a distressing situation. Despite her remarkable 60-year tenure as a volunteer at the National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society, she was unexpectedly dismissed due to a purported lack of understanding regarding pronouns.
Having tragically lost her husband to this debilitating disease two decades ago, Fran Itkoff stepped forward to lead the Long Beach Lakewood MS support group, as well as actively contribute to the national organization as a volunteer. Throughout her selfless service spanning several decades, she has been recognized with numerous accolades from this nonprofit organization.
However, a recent revelation unfolded when Chaya Raichik from Libs of TikTok conducted an eye-opening interview, shedding light on the unjust treatment Fran Itkoff endured. It was during this interview that she was asked to introduce herself using gender pronouns, leading to the unfortunate turn of events.
UNREAL. National MS Society (@mssociety) forced a 90-year-old volunteer to step down because she wasn’t “inclusive” enough after she asked what pronouns are.
Fran volunteered for 60 years and her late husband had MS.
The @mssociety still hasn’t said a word about this. Don’t…
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 14, 2024
The MS Society then doubled-down:
BREAKING: @mssociety is doubling down on their decision to force a 90-year-old volunteer to step down for breaking their "inclusion policies" after she asked what pronouns are.
They suggest the 90-year-old volunteer made people feel "unsafe." They also warn staff not to comment…
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 15, 2024