A courageous group of young individuals, led by UNC Chancellor Lee Roberts, successfully protected the American flag from desecration by a mob of pro-Hamas terrorists who attacked them with bottles. Prior to this incident, the pro-Hamas group had replaced the American flag with a Palestinian one. The brave young men, alongside the chancellor, swiftly responded to the situation. As the students and chancellor intervened, the mob retaliated by throwing bottles and shouting obscenities at them.
“This university doesn’t belong to a small group of protesters,” Chancellor Roberts said as protesters screamed. “It belongs to every citizen of North Carolina – everybody in North Carolina. The flag represents all of us.”
“It’s clear that the university has chosen its side,” Shahad Mustafa, a 21-year-old senior told The New York Times. “They are choosing to still support Israel regardless of what their students are saying. They are showing us that they are willing to use violence and willing to lie.”
The Daily Tar Heel has stated that a group of students cheered, “USA, USA,” while the chancellor and other male students assisted in hoisting the American flag. “To take down that flag and put up another flag no matter what other flag it is is antithetical to who we are, what this university stands for, what we have done for 229 years,” the chancellor boldly declared.