Steve Kornacki, the data expert at MSNBC, stated on Tuesday that four possible alternative candidates performed better in polls against former President Donald Trump compared to President Joe Biden.

Biden has faced criticism from his fellow Democrats following the CNN debate on Thursday night, during which he experienced several freezes and made numerous verbal mistakes. Kornacki analyzed a CNN survey which revealed Biden falling behind Trump by six points, while Vice President Kamala Harris was only two points behind the former president.

“First up, here’s is the CNN poll. This is new, came out just this afternoon,” Kornacki told MSNBC host Chris Jansing. “They have Trump leading nationally 49 to 43%, six points over Joe Biden. Now, a couple of things to say about this poll. The first is the last time that CNN polled this race was a few months ago, it was back in April. What did the results show in April? They actually showed the same number. So from that standpoint, you don’t see obviously a change in CNN’s numbers from before, but a six-point Trump lead in any poll is about as big a lead as you’re going to see for Trump in any poll that’s out there right now, or in any poll that’s been out there.”

“Also, in April when that 49-43 number came out, a lot of folks looked at it and said because it was so different from other polls, it must be an outlier,” Kornacki continued. “You know, outliers can sometimes happen, sort of statistical blips when you take polls. Once in a while, you’ll just have one that’s a few points out of whack. But when that happens, you sort of expect it will be corrected in the next one. For this to now be replicated, the same finding of six points twice in the poll, and especially after the fact that this six-point lead for Trump comes after that debate performance and certainly all the criticism and questions around Biden that have followed it, suggest maybe there’s something more than an outlier at work here.”

In the CNN poll, Trump was also pitted against Harris, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, and Democratic Governors Gavin Newsom of California and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan. Trump emerged ahead of Harris by 47% to 45%, ahead of Buttigieg by 47% to 43%, ahead of Newsom by 48% to 43%, and ahead of Whitmer by 47% to 42%.

“That is especially true because CNN also polled Trump against Kamala Harris. What if Kamala Harris replaced Joe Biden,” Kornacki said. “Take a look at this, again, 49-43 is the margin for Trump against Biden. It’s just 47-45 against Harris. So, it goes from Biden down by six to Harris down by two. And in fact, CNN polled four different Democrats against Trump besides Joe Biden and Biden’s number, a six-point gap, is the worst of any of those four candidates. That’s the CNN poll.”